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2002 Bonneville acting funny, but only when cold???

09-10-2014, 01:20 PM
My dad has a 02 Bonneville withe the 3800 series 2 not supercharged.. the cars had a few issues since we bought it about a year ago, its got about 190k now and runs like total s**t lol when its cold drive it up the street(well limp it really) then once it warms ups it seems to run ok.. when you hit the gas hard it sputters and bucks as it revs to 4k. when you are light on the gas it seems like it revs ok, so I changed the fuel filter, didn't fix it. I pulled the fuel rail up with the injectors still attached and stuck small bottles under each injector and watched the spray patterns, they looks fine except one(dirty tip,sprayed sideways). so I took the rail off hooked up a a small bucket full of fuel injector cleaner and acetone and hooked a pump to the rail and a return back to the bucket and wired the injectors all in parallel and fed them 12v by bumping and then holding almost like Morse code, lol. and the patterns cleaned up, and i then put them in a harbor freight ultrasonic cleaners and then tested them on the rails again and everything looks great, so I got them back on the car with new seals, still runs the same!!!!! I'm going to rent a fuel pressure tester when I get home today and see what kind of pressure I have but I don't know what else to check, since it only acts up when its cold(I'm assuming) its fuel related, ignition issues normally show when hot.

Any Ideas??

Edit: I also used torque (obd2 app on droid) and a knock detection plugin and its telling me possible knocks detected(more so when cold but still 2 or 3 events when hot as well) but when cold, you can feel and hear the problem, when its hot its totally unnoticeable just seems to lack a little power

Tech II
09-10-2014, 03:36 PM
Check codes?

Might have an ECT sensor giving wrong data, since this clears up as it gets warm............

Check the usual....see if runs better cold with the MAF disconnected.....check the f/p regulator vac line for fuel.....

Check for a vac leak......

Anything done recently to vehicle?

09-11-2014, 09:54 AM
75% of the time, no codes, when codes do come in its 1 or 2 cylinder misfires then multiple cylinder, no fuel at the reg, and no vacuum leaks I can find, Sprayed intake with starter fluid as it ran, no change in idle or anything, I'm gonna check out the temp sensors, I saw in another thread the intake temp can get screwy and make it act like this as well, so I'm gonna let the car sit over night and see how close to ambient temp the sensors are reading.

It ran fine when we first got it, it was a northern car so it has a decent bit of rust on it, my dad recently changed the fuel filter but has been scared to mess with it due to the rust on the hard line but when he did it he said it came out just fine. other than that no major work has been done, and the filter didn't help the stumble. stuff I tried.. replaced very leaky valve cover up front, hoping the oil was somehow causing the miss, but nope, removed the metal insulators on the plug wires, no change. I did notice on occasions when the idle got rough you could hear like an arc jump, but felt the wires and never got a shock,

I cleaned the injectors tried unplugging sensors 1 at a time to see if it would correct it(MAF, Map, TPS, Idle air, EGR) it had a bad map sensor but its been replaced with a used(aftermarket replacement, with no change, a bunch of the factory ones were separated at the seam.) and the starter fluid to check for vac leaks was after that, because that was a small vac leak before I replaced the sensor. I pulled the egr and put some carb cleaner in it to see if it was sealed shut and no leaks found, I'm going to pull the MAF and air temp when my dad gets home and clean them, see if any improvement comes from that. and I haven't had a chance to check the fuel pressure yet, but the regulator isn't leaking. so if any issue there its the pump

09-11-2014, 11:57 AM
Perhaps it needs new plugs and wires. Use AC Delco for all.

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