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2005 Bonneville transmission issue

09-05-2014, 08:55 PM
Wow! Another problem with Bonne. My transmission has a very hard shift intermittently. The car has approximately 102,000 miles. The shop says it needs 2 new solenoids(1-2 & 3-4). The cost is going to be about $1050. I've read of a pressure control valve causing similar problems but not 2 solenoids. When the problem occurs all the shifting is hard in all gears. Any thoughts?


Tech II
09-06-2014, 09:53 AM
First, you need to know what the code(s) actually is.......

Most transmission codes that are set, will cause the PCM to command FULL LINE PRESSURE, which causes harsh shifts....

That's a lot of money for two solenoids.....

Yes you have to separate the ball joint, drop the cradle, and lower the engine/tranny on the driver's side, and remove the axle, to get the side cover off......if the correct procedure is to replace just the two solenoids, which I doubt if the transmission is shifting ok, what is their labor rate, and how many hours are they quoting, and are they doing a fluid/filter replacement also?

Also, is their work guaranteed?

09-10-2014, 10:12 PM
Tech II
They will replace the 2 shift solenoids plus the fluid and filter plus the pressure control solenoid for that price. The gal I talked to on the phone mis-stated what parts were included in the quote. The warranty is 12 months/12000 miles.

Tech II
09-11-2014, 08:55 AM
Try another place and get an estimate.....still need to know the codes....

Don't tell them that you have a previous diagnosis/estimate....

09-11-2014, 09:26 AM
The code is/was P1811.

05-24-2015, 04:53 PM
just curious if you got this problem fixed. My sister's car is doing the same thing. What was the price to fix?

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