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2005 kia spectra lx squeaky clutch

07-23-2014, 07:56 PM
Hi there all thanks in advance for reading,
I am having problems with my clutch peddle for some reason when i start driving it works fine, but after about 10 minutes of driving or any time I'm stuck in traffic it starts squeaking on me and it become difficult to press in. if anyone could give me some feed back on what you think the problem would be that would fantastic.

09-24-2016, 02:04 PM
Hi there all thanks in advance for reading,
I am having problems with my clutch peddle for some reason when i start driving it works fine, but after about 10 minutes of driving or any time I'm stuck in traffic it starts squeaking on me and it become difficult to press in. if anyone could give me some feed back on what you think the problem would be that would fantastic.

Maybe it is jammed on something, That happened to my friend with his manual. The clutch peddle could barely be pressed.

11-18-2016, 06:46 PM
If it's a hydraulic clutch start by checking if it needs brake fluid. If leaking replace the clutch slave cylinder.

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