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99 blazer sputtering

05-17-2014, 04:39 PM
I have a 99 blazer it started sputtering while driving as it was not getting enough gas. sometimes it would run without issue it would go up hills great some times it would hesitate but it would stop the hesitation but at idle it was great. today I went and started it and it died right away and I smelled gas as if it was flooded,waited a few hours but the same thing. now it wont stay started.any ideas...thanks Dave

lou S.
05-21-2014, 12:26 PM
Search for spider injector replacement(CPI) posts. This was a hot topic a few years back with a lot of pic's and good information.

Rick Norwood
05-25-2014, 05:39 PM
See if this sounds like your issue.


05-25-2014, 07:56 PM
update, the blazer now runs sometimes it won't sputter 65 mph up hill.sometimes it will slightly sputter going on flat ground.friday @ traffic lights I had to keep it reved to around 1300 rpm to keep it running, got home and it idled perfect. @ work it did die while idling but started right up.it threw a po300 a C and an EV which is catalyst monitor and evap.am changing out the evap canister and will go from there. thanks for the replies to my post I am thankful for the help.

Rick Norwood
05-27-2014, 11:02 AM
If you have a P0300 code, which is a Random Misfire code in the secondary Ignition System, you probably have a bad distributor cap. If you have anything other than an AC-Delco Cap, that, in all likelihood, is your culprit.

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