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'03, 3.4 impala spark plug wire diagram?

05-03-2014, 10:35 AM
got a 03 impala, found some links that showed some diagrams. i just want to make sure of it is all, the stuff i have found has the firing order...1,2,3,4,5,6.. also has the 2,4,6 at the front near the radiator, 1,3,5, at the firewall. would appreciate if anyone can tell me if this is accurate or what. If so then the guy that put the wires on got it backwards has 1,3,5, at the front near the radiator, and 2,4,6, at the firewall. any help on this is appreciated ty. also forgot to mention that the car has got a misfire, just tryin to narrow the possibilities lol.

Sorry, but the engine is wrong it got a 3.8 not a 3.4. the person i got the car off of said it had a 3.4 and i didnt look into it to check.

03 impala 3.8,
The misfire happens when u accelerate fast, it will go until rev limiter almost and just stay there, like the transmission doesnt want to shift. when u let off it will shift, under normal acceleration it seems to shift fine and run smooth. it did have the transmission rebuilt last month or so. we took it back to the guy and he said the transmission is fine, no codes or anything just from the computer, all it showed was a misfire and it was all over with the coil packs basically, car has 128k miles on it, if need anymore info let me know what ya need. and again any help for this would be appreciated.

Ok, after looking into the coil packs and wires...again....and having them check out fine, checked the fuel pressure and it was low 40's and pretty much stayed there when the guy rev'd the engine, he came to the conclusion that the fuel pump was starting to go causing the misfire. sooo going to change it and the filter and hopefully this fixes it. ty anyhow.

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