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One inch flexible solid fiberglass rod.

04-27-2014, 09:52 PM
Hi, I'm after info on making some flexible one inch solid fiberglass rod for rear axles on a tricycle buggy I am constructing. Normally, this is made by a machine that pulls fiberglass roving soaked in polyester resin through a heated mould, a method called pultrusion.
I am living in the Philippines and can't find anyone locally that supplies the required rod and imported packages from overseas have a bad habit of disappearing in the mail here.
What I intend to do is pack a length of rigid PVC electrical tubing with lengths of fiberglass roving then vacuum the resin up through the mould.
My question is what ratio of glass to resin would be an ideal combination?
The two axles will support approx. 160 Kgs. combined. Photo of similar project is attached. I'm inclined to think that the more glass in the mix would mean more strength while the more resin= more brittle and will snap.

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