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Is the car in this picture a Chrysler, or a Cadillac?

03-15-2014, 08:38 AM
Hey there, first post here. I'm a historian trying to find out the truth behind this picture. However, I'm a total noob regarding cars, so I have no other option but to contact people who actually know their stuff. So then, what is the car in this picture? Most articles discussing this picture (it's a 1971 picture of the Bin Laden family visiting Sweden) claim the car is a Cadillac. But I've seen one article claim it's a Chrysler Imperium, and one person told me it's a 1967 Chryler 300. What's you guys' opinion?
As you can see, it's a colourized picture. I've addd the original black-and-white photo. I'm wondering if it's possible that this car could have been pink. Where pink Chrysler's produced in 1971 or in the years before that? Or is it more likely that the journalist who colourized the picture, made that colour up? (Notice the rather funny over-the-top shiny colours of their clothes).

Thanks in advance!

05-22-2016, 11:33 PM
The person called it right. Its a 1967 Chrysler 300

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