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BMW Transmission Problem?

02-11-2014, 04:42 AM
Hi I have a E46 328i 99 automatic, and when I was on the free way my tranny went out it would not move on any gear and I got a light on my dashboard it was a gear with an exclamation point in it what's wrong with it? Also I took it to a mechanic he said I needed to replace or rebuild the tranny so we did for 2k from that same mechanic. But the thing is he rebuilt the tranny but then told us it's not completely fixed and that we should just get a new car. The car is now driveable but I still have that warning light. The only thing that is different is that the car doesn't jerk after each gear like it used to when I had the warning light. So not I only have that warning light the drives a little different and he said the tranny was not completed or something, I'm wondering what could the problem be? And should I just take it to the dealer and see what they could do for me?and how much do you think it would cost to get that checked?
thank you

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