Children in school 1995 crown Vic won't start
09-28-2013, 01:47 AM
Hey please help me I have a 1995 cv lx model.. Well recently my ball joint came off and my car dropped as I was driving.. I got that fixed but when I went to crank the car, it didn't do anything at all no noise or anything but it turned over silently .. I tried cranking it a few times more than it finally turned over but didn't crank.. but you can hear it trying this time (like the normal sound of a car trying to crank).. Mind you a week before this I tried cranking it but no noise or anything but turned over silently.. The same day I kept trying and it crunk right up, ready to drive. So fast forward to present day.. Now it's making a high pitched noise when I try to crank it.. (Different from the normal sound of a car trying to crank up)It turns over but no crank and the noise sounds similar to the sound of a car already started and ready to go... (similiar but not exactly)This happened today... Please please help ..have children in school and family daily car.. Never had any problems before ... What is the cause of the different noises when trying to crank it..
09-29-2013, 09:39 AM
I would check the wiring to the starter its possible a fuseable link is bad. Check the wiring to the distributor. You could also have a bad ignition switch.
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