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Idiotic girl needs help! Gears!

07-09-2013, 03:40 AM
Guys, my reverse gear keeps scratching, even when I put it in 2nd gear first! WTH do I do?? :banghead:

07-09-2013, 03:57 AM
Oh! And its a Hyundai Atos 1.1 GLS:loser:

07-09-2013, 04:43 AM
my reverse gear also keeps scratching.don't worry about that,
because most of maruti cars have reverse gear problem
but if other gear create any problem so you should go to maruti
workshop :cool:

07-09-2013, 04:44 AM
@makjak, what is maruti? The problem is that when it grinds, it wears out the gears so eventually I will need to replace the gear thing aswell

07-09-2013, 04:59 AM
Eugenietjie, maruti is automob company.
Right now you will need to replace the gear

07-09-2013, 06:25 AM
It sounds like maybe your clutch is wearing out or not adjusted properly. I'm not familiar with your particular model to know if it is a hydraulic clutch or manual clutch or if it is adjustable.

Often time synchros are not used for reverse which could help explain why you notice the grinding more when shifting to reverse than other gears as the clutch wears.

I don't think there's a need to replace the reverse gear currently, but maybe the clutch.


07-09-2013, 08:04 AM
I also suspect a clutch adjustment/incomplete release issue. Shifting to second gear before reverse (without releasing the pedal) should stop the gears from spinning and stop any grinding.

Press and hold the clutch pedal. Start the car. Hold the pedal for 10 seconds and then shift to reverse. If it still grinds, your clutch isn't releasing all the way or your pilot bushing is dragging on the input shaft (very unlikely, but I've heard of it happening).

07-11-2013, 11:58 PM
Good call rod..

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