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electrical problems

05-16-2013, 09:57 AM
Hi. I have an old work truck, 1983 Mazda B2000;6cyl;standard. I was having problems off and on with the fuel pump not working...I tryed a few things and it's not the problem of the pump itself... I'm not getting any fire back to the pump.. When this happens... the dash lights won't show up... actually not much does work... The only time I can hear the fuel pump running is when the dash lights come on..I thought my problem may be in the ignition switch but I'm not the best mechanic in the world so I would hate to go buy another switch($105.00) and that not be my problem..I've charged the battery. One other thing... When the ignition switch is turned, the engine will turn over... just no lights show up and no gas from fuel pump..Thanks, and hope somebody can help...Pete

06-06-2013, 01:08 PM
The switch is a possibility. Have you made sure all the related wiring is clean and tight? Battery connections clean and tight. Sounds like a wiring problem.

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