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Trying to find decals for 1/24 GT One TS020

Adam Baker
04-22-2012, 02:41 PM
I've started working on Tamiya's Toyota GT One TS020 kit, and I've come across some pictures of a scheme run on the car that I really like, but have only been able to find 1 set of decals for the scheme, and they were going for $65.00 US on ebay, which is out of the question.

The scheme i'm looking for is this one.


Also, does anyone know if the Scale Motorsport detail set that has the photoetch set, carbon fiber templates & the turned metal parts is still available anywhere? I found a review for the set on Internet Modeler from Dec. of 2000, but I cant find it listed anywhere, so I'm assuming its probably discontinued. All I've been able to find from Scale Motorsport are the CF template set, and the photoetch set. At this point I'm planning on making my own CF decals by making my own templates from blue painters tape or some similar low tack tape.

04-22-2012, 03:42 PM
I've started working on Tamiya's Toyota GT One TS020 kit, and I've come across some pictures of a scheme run on the car that I really like, but have only been able to find 1 set of decals for the scheme, and they were going for $65.00 US on ebay, which is out of the question.

The scheme i'm looking for is this one.


Also, does anyone know if the Scale Motorsport detail set that has the photoetch set, carbon fiber templates & the turned metal parts is still available anywhere? I found a review for the set on Internet Modeler from Dec. of 2000, but I cant find it listed anywhere, so I'm assuming its probably discontinued. All I've been able to find from Scale Motorsport are the CF template set, and the photoetch set. At this point I'm planning on making my own CF decals by making my own templates from blue painters tape or some similar low tack tape.

Adam - the SMS toyota super detail sets are long out of production - every now and then one pops up on eBay here in the USA - not sure what livery decals you're looking for, but if it is the Renaissance ones then contact Kevin at Stradasports - He got a set of them a while back for me that cost $45.00 or so - not sure what the going rate is for them now - be prepared to wait a while if Kevin has to order them - Renaissance doesn't respond very quickly. - hope this helps - John

Adam Baker
04-22-2012, 03:52 PM
Thanks John. I figured the super detail set was out of production since I couldnt find it, but at least the CF decal template set & the photoetch are still available if I decide to go that route.

And yes, it does appear that the decals I'm looking for are by Renaissance, which I didnt know before. I just found a listing on ebay for the sheet at 12.50 British Pounds, but its beyond what I can afford right now, and if the going price is about $45.00 US then I'll probably pass, as thats more than I'm willing to spend on a single set of decals like that.

*edit* I just checked the Strada Sports site, and they have the Renaissance sheet listed for $30.00, which is low enough that I'd probably pay that price, so I'll definitely have to keep that in mind. Thanks a ton for the info on the sheet, its what I needed.

04-22-2012, 04:17 PM
Thanks John. I figured the super detail set was out of production since I couldnt find it, but at least the CF decal template set & the photoetch are still available if I decide to go that route.

And yes, it does appear that the decals I'm looking for are by Renaissance, which I didnt know before. I just found a listing on ebay for the sheet at 12.50 British Pounds, but its beyond what I can afford right now, and if the going price is about $45.00 US then I'll probably pass, as thats more than I'm willing to spend on a single set of decals like that.

*edit* I just checked the Strada Sports site, and they have the Renaissance sheet listed for $30.00, which is low enough that I'd probably pay that price, so I'll definitely have to keep that in mind. Thanks a ton for the info on the sheet, its what I needed.

Yeah Adam - $30.00 is a good price and the decals are good quality too - I did up a car a while back with that logo - also with the decals you get a couple of PE or resin parts as I remember for the kit - nothing special but just so you know - decals are large sheets - glad you found them at Stradasports - John

Adam Baker
04-22-2012, 06:48 PM
I saw somewhere that it mentioned coming w/ some parts, apparently its the taillights or something like that. From what I read, that was about the only difference between the 98 car, which the Renaissance sheet depicts, and the 99 car, which the kit depicts.

Yeah Adam - $30.00 is a good price and the decals are good quality too - I did up a car a while back with that logo - also with the decals you get a couple of PE or resin parts as I remember for the kit - nothing special but just so you know - decals are large sheets - glad you found them at Stradasports - John

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