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Gas Milage 02 PA

02-23-2012, 06:26 PM
Had been smelling gas recently at start up, but couldn't find a leak. I replaced the fuel pressure regulator and the fuel filter about 2 weeks ago. This stopped the gas odor. Since then, my gas mileage is way up. For instance, when I pulled off the highway this afternoon, it was averaging 31.9MPG. I had been averaging around 25 recently, which was down from what it was a few years ago. I am curious if anyone knows which item increased the gas mileage, the fuel pressure regulator, or the fuel filter? My guess would be the regulator. It has 155,000 miles on it.

02-23-2012, 09:56 PM
More than likey, the regulator had a leaking dighram. On FI cars, the computer will compensate for clogged fuel filters. However, if your fuel filter were clogged to the point of where your engine starts starving for fuel at wide open throttle, then you will see and feel a substanial loss of performance, long before it will affect your gas mileage in any way.

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