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Car starting issues (video link incl)

01-16-2012, 06:33 PM
So my car has been having some starting issues lately. I know its getting cold but weve had somemildly warm days here latly. The starting is getting worse, its always started rough but this is the worst its been. Heres the video link: http://youtu.be/fRwnrJ5zdT0

In the video it is about 50 degress, so its not like it is 10 below. The car has a brand new starter soleniod on it, but probably the original starter. On colder days i do turn the key and all i get is one turn of the engine. i have to do this about a dozen times and it will sooner or later start. Other times when i turn the key and hold it it will turn about 1 time every 2 seconds and eventually start. WHat the heck is goin on?

*P.S. I believe that hissing noise at the end is a vaccum line, ill look into that.

01-17-2012, 08:29 AM
First things I would check are the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor and the idle air control (IAC) valve. When these malfunction, they can cause hard starting when cold due to the ECM not being able to meter the correct fuel:air ratio.

After that, I would test the fuel pressure. The year, make, model, and mileage would help here. I can see it's a GM 3800 V6. Earlier versions of these engines were finicky about adequate fuel pressure.

01-17-2012, 03:54 PM
After that, I would test the fuel pressure. The year, make, model, and mileage would help here. I can see it's a GM 3800 V6. Earlier versions of these engines were finicky about adequate fuel pressure.

It is a 1990 pontiac bonneville. And since you did mention feul pressure, the fuel pump makes a bit of a low whirrin shound when the tank is below 1/3 or so.

01-18-2012, 10:12 PM
Wll i origanally bought a ECT sensor, but i dont think thats the issue. I ordered a IAC valve. I did some reasearch and my car has the same issues which the valve should fix...Well i guess we'll see if the part works on monday!

01-18-2012, 10:40 PM
If it doesn't fix it, jdmccright has the next step... test fuel pressure. When you turn the key on, fuel pressure should almost instantly rise to 40+ psi (not sure of the exact spec). The pump is commanded to come on for about 2 seconds when you turn the key to the "on" position to make sure there is proper pressure. Before starting, watch the pressure. It should stay above 40 psi for a while even when the pump isn't running.

I would also fix that vacuum leak... it could be the entire cause of your problem. If you have a vacuum leak, its running leaner than the computer expects and could be an issue - especially during cold starts.

01-26-2012, 07:17 PM
Ok, so I put in the new IAC valve this week. Wanna see the old one?

Its still having a few issues though...the engine still "stumbles" every now and then....Also it takes a second to start....

However! The idling has improved but thats about it.

Thanks, Tanner

02-02-2012, 12:40 AM
is it still noisey or was that youtube sometimes cam and or crank sensor issue..ormay have bad tentioner idler bearing causing a timing belt issue..that noise i heard on youtube sounds mechanical.. if one on the bearings is causing drag on the timing belt pcm will not be able to meter fuel air.. hold a screwdriver to ur ear and the metal end at the timing cover... be careful.. if sounds loud suspect issue there..dont forget cam and crank senssor..they wont set a mil ..ck light all the time.. 1 more thing ignition modual possible.. good luck...just tryin to think out of the box.. but ive seen it all...... My bet it a bad ground wire..somewhere... especially if no dtc present has the car been worked on...if so where ..start there..starter grounds are common issues... if the vehicle has had a transmission put in at some point Starter Starter .. get a little help..tap the plastic part of a screwdriver on the starter while someone works key

02-02-2012, 12:48 AM
yep... vacume could be it.. when running spray brake kleen around the area u suspect vacume leak ... ifidle changes there is the prob.. or oneof them

02-02-2012, 06:41 PM
yep... vacume could be it.. when running spray brake kleen around the area u suspect vacume leak ... ifidle changes there is the prob.. or oneof them

Vaccuum leak was fixed, it didn't interfere with engine operation.

All these things you listed in your previous post seem like a lot. Sounds expensive.... As for the noise I don't know what your referring...could've just been the tripod rattling against the car.

Anyway, I'll double check connections and cables and everything and maybe then Ill just have someone look at it.

02-10-2012, 05:26 PM
Well, i give up. im just gonna live with it I guess.

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