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AC Colder on Passenger Side

09-12-2011, 08:08 PM
I have a 2002 and the ac blows colder on the passenger side. It doesn"t seems to matter where the temp lever is adjusted to on the passenger side. The ac charge is good and there are no leaks. Has anybody encountered this before and how can it be fixed? Thanks.

09-12-2011, 08:19 PM
One other piece of information on this. In the morning, when it is cooler out, if I lower the temp, it sometimes continues to blow out warm air out of the dash vents. If I switch the system off and then back on, it will blow cooler (normal). This could be related to the ac issue.

Tech II
09-12-2011, 08:28 PM
So this is a dual system?

Turn A/C off, turn dual off, and go to vent or econ mode......now command full hot and full cold....does temp change the same on both sides? Now set the temp at midrange...go to dual, and change the pass slide control to full cold....is the passenger side cooler? Now change to full hot....it the temp higher now on the passenger side?

If the temps are ok, the temp door actuators are working ok......with A/C on, if passenger side is cooler than the driver's side, you could be low on freon....there is only one way to know the amount of refrigerant in the system...has to be recovered and weighed......

09-12-2011, 10:00 PM
There are no leaks? Yeah, right....typical low charge reaction is what you have described- recover and weigh your refrigerant- you'll find you have less than half of system spec....then find and fix leak, then evac and recharge...number one leak location is compressor shaft seal, number two is compressor body o-rings....

As mentioned, the only way to know if you are low on refrigerant is to remove it and weigh it... positive static pressure tells you there is some charge in it- not necessarily the right charge..

09-13-2011, 06:28 AM
The pressure reads normal with the gauges. You are saying this doesn't necessarily mean it has enough freon though though It has to be evacuated and weighed for an accurate freon measurement. The pressure could be normal, but the freon could otherwise deplete over time?

It is a dual system. I'll check the actuator door first. Thanks.

09-13-2011, 07:57 AM
There is really no such thing as normal pressures--- too many variables, humidity, ambient, blower speed, air flow across condenser etc....so yes you can have good looking pressures- but only have half a refrigerant charge.

The first side cooled on the evap of your car feeds the passenger side--there is not enough left to boil off to cool the driver's side......

wait 2 months/2 years and you'll complain the passenger side is not cooling now either.

To test- add a can, see if driver's side starts cooling.....

09-18-2011, 04:27 AM
On vent, it blows out the same temp on both sides (hot or cold). The passenger control for the dual system does nothing. I moved it left and right and the air temp is the same on both sides regardless of the position.

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