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2006 passat with electrical problems?

07-10-2011, 12:50 PM
We've been having all sorts of elec problems with our 2006 passat. I havent been in the car for most of these so the info isn't the best.
1. key starts the engine and it stalls 5 seconds later. ( I did find a post on this and theres an ignition module in the dash needing replacement) does this 5-10 times and then runs fine.
2. FOB key gets stuck in the ignition and some accessories work but stuck (dealer said it was anti theft and told my wife over the phone how to reset as she sat in a parking lot outside of Boston)
3. the parking brake fault light came on on the highway and the car went into an auto shutdown at 60 mph. cleared itself and she got home.
4. The temp gauge went up to 280 and the overheat alarm came on, she blasted the heat and it went down. She limped home and checked the coolant level, it was full. Fan quit maybe, but on the highway, it probably shouldn't have mattered.
I'm wondering if all these problems are linked to one control module or something?

Car info: 2006 VW passat 2.6L turbo with 125k miles.

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