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Alclad paints

11-19-2010, 08:06 AM
Hi guys,

I have a bottle of Alclad paint which I bought from overseas.

Can I use ordinary paintbrush to paint the parts using Alclad paint? Cause when I see the tutorial, they seem to use air brush & I don't have one.



Brandon Miller
11-19-2010, 11:50 AM
you have to use an airbrush

11-19-2010, 01:48 PM
You won't get the same result as airbrush, but you can use a brush to detail small areas.

11-21-2010, 12:55 AM
For best results, it needs to be sprayed over a glossy black lacquer or enamel, preferably the super-smooth undercoat made by Alclad.

11-21-2010, 01:08 AM
For best results, it needs to be sprayed over a glossy black lacquer or enamel, preferably the super-smooth undercoat made by Alclad.

thats only for chrome and polished aluminum other colors dont need base

11-21-2010, 01:21 AM
thats only for chrome and polished aluminum other colors dont need base


I think chrome is the most popular Alclad paint, so I just assumed - wrongly - that that's what he has.

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