front hubs
09-16-2010, 10:00 PM
2000 Kia Sportage, front hubs are locked. The front driveshaft keeps turning out of 4 wheel drive. I dismantled, cleaned, and re-greased the hub locks. Permatexed them back on. They are still locked. There is vaccuum going to the hubs just cant get them to unlock..
Any ideas???
Any ideas???
09-23-2010, 06:59 PM
If they are getting vacuum, they probably aren't holding vacuum. I know they have revised/updated hubs for a similar condition.
09-30-2010, 04:15 AM
Vacuum applies the hub, so they do keep vacuum. Check the solenoid valve: it is either blocked open or dirt keeps it from closing completely. Disconnect vacuum hose to hub to see if it will release.
...or, just as mine when I bought it, the hubs have been "inverted", that is, the spring inside the hub that is supposed to release the hub has been switched side and keeps the hub applied. Kia service used to do that as a solution for hubs that leaked vacuum and did not apply.
...or, just as mine when I bought it, the hubs have been "inverted", that is, the spring inside the hub that is supposed to release the hub has been switched side and keeps the hub applied. Kia service used to do that as a solution for hubs that leaked vacuum and did not apply.
10-05-2010, 03:16 AM
So how did you manage to oevrcome this situation..or you still have your car locked?:lol2:
10-12-2010, 04:27 PM
My '01 Sportage had a very slightly leaking hub solenoid that would allow the hubs to momentarily lock when slowing for a stop light. Just a quick "bang!" then release. $25 solenoid from the dealer fixed it. It's located up near the master cylinder, easy to change.
11-09-2010, 11:25 AM
Sorry guys, I forgot I posted this thread! Anyways mine was pretty simple. The return springs were missing out of the hubs. Apparently when the vaccum lines broke someone took the springs out of the hubs to keep them locked. All is well Thanks a bunch.
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