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reduced engine power 2004 Silverado

09-14-2010, 08:29 AM
:runaround:I have 2004 silverado--my reduced engine power light comes on and I reset it.
well I have had it into a dealer many times for repair and then to another mechanic.
no one can seem to find the problem.. Have had the throttle body (TAC) changed 2 times. and it keeps coming on---no one seems to find the problem---its getting pretty costly to keep taking it into the dealer or this other mechanic I use.
Each one of them tell me it is fixed and then a few days it comes on again. I bring it back and then a few days its on again.
Any ideas from anyone--- dealer even checked wiring and found a couple chewed and replaced them. guess what that wasn't the problem either. but they made $200.00 on that deal.
anyone else ever dealt with this kind of problem ?---it been going on about 9 months

09-14-2010, 08:46 AM
:runaround:I have 2004 silverado--my reduced engine power light comes on and I reset it.
well I have had it into a dealer many times for repair and then to another mechanic.
no one can seem to find the problem.. Have had the throttle body (TAC) changed 2 times. and it keeps coming on---no one seems to find the problem---its getting pretty costly to keep taking it into the dealer or this other mechanic I use.
Each one of them tell me it is fixed and then a few days it comes on again. I bring it back and then a few days its on again.
Any ideas from anyone--- dealer even checked wiring and found a couple chewed and replaced them. guess what that wasn't the problem either. but they made $200.00 on that deal.
anyone else ever dealt with this kind of problem ?---it been going on about 9 months

What engine and transmission and truck size and mileage?
What mileage on tune up?
What are code no?

Sounds like you need to find a dealer that has a factory trained engine running tech.
Not all dealers have them.
If not ask for your money back and find a dealer that does or a good repair shop with trained techs.

j cAT
09-14-2010, 02:14 PM
do you have the throttle by electrical wire control. on the 2004 vehicles they I believe began this type of throttle system ..my 2000 has the old style gas pedal steel cables that move the throttle .

with your throttle control and the TAC fault results in low power this is in most cases corroded connector to this tac module.

If this is not the problem then the throttle body must be replaced because it is a un removable part of it. the dealership you went to is an idiot or a scam artist. this is widely known for years with these 2004 vehicles....................look up this on the internet .

you should not pay for work that does not result in the problem being corrected. basicly they reset the pcm and charged you 200.00.......

09-14-2010, 05:53 PM
the mechanic I have it at now can't figure it our either--its a 5.3 --133,000 miles and I will have to get the codes from my son . Needless to say he is not in a good mood so might be a day before I can get them. He is ready to sell it for what he still owes on it.
Mechanic thinks its an electrial problem

j cAT
09-14-2010, 07:11 PM
the mechanic I have it at now can't figure it our either--its a 5.3 --133,000 miles and I will have to get the codes from my son . Needless to say he is not in a good mood so might be a day before I can get them. He is ready to sell it for what he still owes on it.
Mechanic thinks its an electrial problem

this is a well known issue . call gm repair shops in your area and find one that knows this issue. this is easy repair and not too expensive even if this is the TAC which is defective. this is very easy to fix.

just because one dealership has idiots does not mean the others have idiots. we have all been screwed by them at one time or another. since the internet has arrived their scams are usually revealed to all in a very short time.

just have them replace the throttle body as this has the TAC mounted in it. it costs about 225.oo..or you do it. then if you have driveability problems it must have the relearn proceedure done .

all this is is a variable resistor. when the resistance is not correct the voltage changes improperly . the computer then throws you into reduced power so you don't go down the road like a runaway TOYOTA...................

09-15-2010, 01:53 PM
the computer then throws you into reduced power so you don't go down the road like a runaway TOYOTA...................

Funny J!!!!!!:iceslolan

08-13-2017, 04:46 PM
Throttle Position Sensor. Module behind the gas pedal for me at 260,000

01-28-2018, 01:42 PM
2004 Chevy Silverado 2500HD 6.0L Gas. I purchased this vehicle used from auction with 248K and it started tripping this u0107 code from the get go. I went to drive truck from auction house and thought I would drive it home but I made it out the gate and traveled about 3 miles limping with no power at 5-10 mph. I got home by tow strap towing with my 2002 Chevy Silverado 5.3. I had no history to go by and sought some help from google search after getting it home. I read that I should erase code. I did that and it ran great and I was relieved to find out that I had not bought a boat anchor or too bad of a money pit! It did continue to spit out code but I would erase and continue to drive. I got some help from online and local mechanic shop. I was encouraged to change throttle body. This worked but it would occasionally trigger code. I was encouraged to also change accelerator assembly which I finally did but then it went crazy tripping the code over and over again. I wound up removing and wire brushing/cleaning negative terminal cable to battery, negative wire to frame towards front driver's side (not to engine), ground strap to fire wall stud, used CRC electrical spray cleaner (be sure to disconnect battery while cleaning until dry) on male and female connecters on throttle body plug in terminals/tac (Throttle Actuator Controller) module (black rectangular box located on driver's side of fire wall) plug in terminals and accelerator pedal plug in terminals. With all that said, I believe it is very possible that my accelerator harness had a dirty terminal or bad wire(s) between TAC and accelerator assembly. I hope this helps someone with this same issue.

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