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Engine Bogging down!!

09-04-2010, 03:28 AM
Ok so today I went to a self car wash to wash my car. While there I cleaned my engine bay and put "engine restore" additive into my oil. When leaving my car (I have a 1991 si hatch with a B16a) started right up. Then about one mile down the road I felt a large amount of power loss.

When I got home I immediately checked for water in the intake and did not notice any (I cleaned it, dried it, and re oiled it anyways). Then I thought that maybe the additive messed something up so i did an oil change as well.

The problem still persists and am afraid to drive my car. It does not bog down until about 3 min into warm up, but then it stays... Do you think that while washing my engine I messed something up??

I do know, that my car needs a new fuel pump, but i just think it would be a large coincidence that it starts acting up after I messed with my car a bit...Just let me know what you think!! Thanks

09-04-2010, 11:09 PM
Ok...so there was water in the spark plug ports...all is well now

09-04-2010, 11:24 PM
Try drying Engine with a leaf blower!
Use a hair dryer on COP's and electrical connectors.

06-25-2016, 06:33 PM
Water in the spark plug is causing this.

06-26-2016, 09:54 PM
I'm not sure whether you're doing it this way or not, but just in case you're not, I'll share a tip. When you wash out the engine bay, you should do it with the engine warmed up and running, and leave it running for a bit after you're done. That way the heat will cause the moisture to evaporate quickly rather than seeping into crucial parts of the engine and causing problems.

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