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Thermal Wrap help

06-25-2010, 06:15 AM
Yesterday I put some thermal wrap on my downpipe. When I drove to work it back, it fell off the pipe. The pipe is black now where the wrap was. Like it burned it off, but the box says is can stand up to 2000 heat. The box also had no instructions on it. Do I need to let it sit for awhile after putting the wrap on or something? Do I need to make it as tight as I can on the pipe? Cause basicly I just put it on. And I have heard that some put a hose clamp on the end of the wraps?

06-25-2010, 12:20 PM
How did you try to get it to stay on? When wrapping, wrap it up tight around, only over lapping no more than a 1/4" as you're progressing

You need clamps. The metal zip ties work great or I guess C-Clamps work as well. Ideally you want to spray the wrap with wrap paint to secure it all together and helps with blocking the heat.

vanilla gorilla
06-25-2010, 04:52 PM
Yea as he said, the metal zip tie strap deals they sell to go with the wrap works good, but its expensive. You can also use safety wire or hose clamps if you wanted. Just depends on how purdy you want it to look.

06-26-2010, 11:07 PM
Soak the wrap in a bucket of water before wrapping it. Then use metal ties or worm clamps to hold it one. Once it dries spray it with silicon i think it is to seal the wrap. I never spray my wrap but your suppose to.

06-29-2010, 01:12 PM
Soak the wrap in a bucket of water before wrapping it. Then use metal ties or worm clamps to hold it one. Once it dries spray it with silicon i think it is to seal the wrap. I never spray my wrap but your suppose to.

Thanx guys. That was my problem. I didn't clamp it down.

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