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Renaissance Trans Kit Woes...

05-27-2010, 05:41 AM
I bought this when it came out...


And was quite happy with spending a hard earned $98. I was still happy when I started finally building it for an online contest...until tonight. I...am...not..pleased...observe...





This is built using the chassis from that Tamiya kit this trans kit was designed for. After placing said chassis in the provided notches inside the rear bumper, I got the above problem. The rear wheels are in the correct place, but the front wheels are too far to the rear. As if the chassis' wheel base is too short...the chassis that this kit was DESIGNED FOR! Also note that the body it too wide and over hangs the wheels. Since the resin body appears to have been created from a Fujimi kit (or maybe just the front of one), maybe a Fujimi chassis will fit better. :mad:

This will not be finished in time for the contest and if the damn thing hadn't cost me so much money...I would have thrown it into the wall by now. Any ideas on how to fix this? The only thing I can see is stretching and widening a new chassis. If I knew French...I would be writing such a letter right now....:mad:



05-27-2010, 06:20 AM
Is this your first trans kit? Even the most talented transkit will *usually* require some sort of surgery on the rest of the kit to make it fit. If you just depend on that it will fit - well - you have now learned the hard way.


05-27-2010, 07:02 AM
Following the job of a great ITA fellow modeler:


He didn't got your troubles but for sure he got a dry check before mount and done something special since the 06 car has longer bonnet, due a different radiator.... looks me more a matter of knowledge than a wrong chassis....

05-27-2010, 12:44 PM
Hello! It is not necessary so to be upset.I collected such model. This set was a copy Renaissance . I had such problems.
I have as much as possible cut a forward part of the bottom.Also moved forward the bottom.I have displaced a back running gear back. There it is not difficult for making.It is enough to move on 2 mm.
For wider installation of wheels I have made rings.That they would not fall I has pasted a superglue .
If you have questions write to me on ra_chirov@mail.ru
I will try to tell more in detail. If you understand my awful English language. :frown:

05-27-2010, 12:59 PM
You would think transkit manufacturers would test their kits before selling them!

05-27-2010, 04:12 PM
Hello! It is not necessary so to be upset.I collected such model. This set was a copy Renaissance . I had such problems.
I have as much as possible cut a forward part of the bottom.Also moved forward the bottom.I have displaced a back running gear back. There it is not difficult for making.It is enough to move on 2 mm.
For wider installation of wheels I have made rings.That they would not fall I has pasted a superglue .
If you have questions write to me on ra_chirov@mail.ru
I will try to tell more in detail. If you understand my awful English language. :frown:

hehe...I can understand, you're English is not that bad at all. I think I see what must be done. Thank you.

As for the others, yeah I know these trans kits take some work, but with the contest ending in a couple of days and discovering this late in the game...at 5am. Well, it was a bit much. I posted this and went to bed. A new day and some coffee later...

05-27-2010, 08:08 PM
TBH, Renaissance is known for this. Test fit, test fit, test fit....Applies to all of them really.

05-27-2010, 08:44 PM
Sleep, caffeine, and some dinner later...I think (with the suggestions of some others) I fixed it and may be back in this. Will post picks later.


05-28-2010, 03:10 AM
Got the wheels repositioned...the front wheels no longer turn but that's ok. Since I am trying to get it done for the contest I went with the kit seat belt decals. After this short break, I will get back to it and hopefully get the lights and glass installed before bed.




I suppose this has now turned into a WIP thread. Could the mods please move this thread?


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