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Help with 1988 Toyota pick

05-12-2010, 11:26 PM
Need help with my 1988 Toyota Pick up truck, Has the 22RE Engine Auto

I was driving it to friends house and it stalled out on me, i try starting it back up and it started to go and the engine really wanted to stay going but then quit again... so i try again and it turns over but engine isnt trying to fire up... let it stand for 3 mins try to start again and it starts to run for about 5sec then quits again, sounds like its not getting gas only little at a time and there is half a tank.

Any help would be great, this is my only vehicle for work and dont have the money to pay someone to find it out for me, im thinking it might be a clogged fuel filter or something to do with the fuel pump ?

thanks and hope to get some help.

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