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Has anyone attempted to build a model

Seamus McRae
05-04-2010, 05:22 AM
of Ferrari's 308GTB in rally trim?
I'm currently doing a super build of 3 Hasegawa Stratos kits & it struck me that the 1 kit I would really like to have in my collection is the Ferrari. I'm sure I can poach some of the Stratos running gear to assist, based on some photos I've found on specialstage.com, but I really want to know if there are any decals available. Probably the most well known would be the red/blue Pioneer car but anything would be a start.

And as a side bar, does anyone know if decals have been produced for Rohrl's Eminence 911?

05-04-2010, 05:59 AM
Racing43 has made white metal and resin kits of both Gr.4 and Gr.B models of 308GTB Rally cars in their 1/24 Big Kit -line. Decals for those have some times been on ebay. Versions include both red/blue and white/blue Pioneer sponsored and red/white Entremont sponsored cars + some others, which i can't remember.


05-04-2010, 07:45 AM
I got a Panasonic/Canale5 308 Gr4, the white metal kind. If you want I'll take few pictures: I'm quite pleased with it, I think only the belt line on the sides need to be reworked. I think the shape capture and propably emphatize the car's outline, looks more badass than needed, as often usual for Chiappatti's molds, but very very cool. I like it!

And to close it weight like a good couple of MFH kits :D, you get quality and quantity :D

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