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I pulled the ECM B out while running/ now it won't start.

04-07-2010, 07:42 PM
I was going to add a pound of R-134A and chill out a bit. I noticed that the A/C clutch was not turning, so while the vehicle was running and the pound can of refrigerant was still hooked up to the low side service port, I took out the wrong fuse. My 1999 Chevy Astro van's 4.3 stalled. Now it won't start.

The factory security system was partially removed when I bought it, the PCM won't give me any codes, but the MIL ligt comes on when attempting to start it. Fuel pump primes. I got the van last year Feb. 09 and never had a problem.

Please help.

Thank you all for the consideration. I will make a profile and get to know people. :headshake

Blue Bowtie
04-10-2010, 08:42 PM
If you replaced the fuse with the ignition on make sure it is still intact.

Try disconnecting the battery overnight. I had a '96 that got erroneous data after charging with a booster and was able to clear it by a disconnect overnight.

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