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Speaking Of Changing Wheel Color.....

03-27-2010, 11:00 AM
What are your thoughts on gold wheels, namely on a red car? Someone Photoshopped an Advan RGII on the GTC and I loved it. Sadly, I can't get the RGII is a size that fits the GTC. Still, I'm loving the gold on red. Here's a shot of the Photoshop.


Also, here's a shot of a gold wheel on a red car.


I just don't like the wheels that are on the car anymore. They worked when the car was pewter, but they don't work with the red. I've looked at other colors schemes, but gold is really standing out to me. I have a set that I like and I've ordered one wheel up to see what it will look like on the car.

What do you think?

03-27-2010, 12:43 PM
I like gold on a red car. Darker bronze is even more secks IMO. Have you looked at gram lites? They have a wheels similair to that, but it may be a 5 spoke

03-27-2010, 05:22 PM
Yeah, the first places I looked were Rays/Volk, Advan, Gram Lights. All were the same story. most of them didn't fit or in the size that did they were completely flat. The one set I found that I liked was $650 a wheel which just didn't make sense for a LeBaron.

I've spent a lot of money on the car but I would rather buy a turbo, exhaust and intake manifold, and maybe the head work for that price. The wheels I'm looking at are about $120 a wheel. I'm probably going to go with something more expensive on the Stealth simply because I have a lot more options.

-The Stig-
03-28-2010, 02:02 AM
Clint, yes... please change the wheelz!

Red + Gold/Bronze = yes!:)

03-28-2010, 12:17 PM
Gold looks great on red if you ask me. I really think it looks great on most car colors. I'd do it.

03-28-2010, 02:04 PM
My suggestion would be with some gold Volks. Styles I like from Volk are the LE and TE wheels.

Hrm, maybe I'll try and find a good picture and PS a pic for you Poly. I'm in a mood to do some PS'ing. I'll drop a picture back in here when I get it done.

03-28-2010, 02:56 PM
Alright, got a decent pic from you Poly. Did a quick and crappy PS job but meh, it was a pain trying to find some good angles to match up the wheels to your GTC and make it look believable or good. So anyway, he's some pics. Please, no applause for their awesomeness...

Poly's GTC in normal form:

Poly's GTC with some TE37's:

Poly's GTC with some GTU's:

03-28-2010, 03:24 PM
Civracer, you can't take any jokes about your own flaws about quad posting the same thing? Leave my posts up and stop editing them. I know for a fact that is against the rules to edit and delete my posts when I have not posted anything that has not broken AF rules. It was funny the first few times but it does get old. As long as it is never done again we won't have a problem.

EDIT: Overused the world seriously :eek:

03-28-2010, 04:34 PM
Civracer, you can't take any jokes about your own flaws about quad posting the same thing? Leave my posts up and stop editing them. I know for a fact that is against the rules to edit and delete my posts when I have not posted anything that has not broken AF rules. It was funny the first few times but it does get old. As long as it is never done again we won't have a problem.

EDIT: Overused the world seriously :eek:

Me editing your post was a joke in itself. A PM would have sufficed. Rather than ranting in the open thread about it. Didn't know your panties would be in a twist for joking back with you. :eek7:

I'm well aware of the rules here, thus the reason I became a mod in the first place. You don't need to tell me my job and if you could see what I was looking at in my panel, you would understand the joke in its entirety. Someone else who is of "mod" status will probably get a kick out of it as well.

If you actually did read what I posted it was decisevely clear that I was joking. :grinno:

03-28-2010, 05:51 PM
Me editing your post was a joke in itself. A PM would have sufficed. Rather than ranting in the open thread about it. Didn't know your panties would be in a twist for joking back with you. :eek7:

I'm well aware of the rules here, thus the reason I became a mod in the first place. You don't need to tell me my job and if you could see what I was looking at in my panel, you would understand the joke in its entirety. Someone else who is of "mod" status will probably get a kick out of it as well.

If you actually did read what I posted it was decisevely clear that I was joking. :grinno:

My panties aren't in a bunch so now worries there. ;) I know you meant it as a joke. That is why I informed you I'd still like you to stop. No upset or hurt feelings, just informing. :)

03-28-2010, 07:57 PM
Clint, yes... please change the wheelz!

Red + Gold/Bronze = yes!:)

Gold looks great on red if you ask me. I really think it looks great on most car colors. I'd do it.

Awesome! I was beginning to think I was the only one that liked the gold on red. Just about all the other places I asked for opinions scoffed at the idea. To be honest, that made me like it even more.

My suggestion would be with some gold Volks. Styles I like from Volk are the LE and TE wheels.

Hrm, maybe I'll try and find a good picture and PS a pic for you Poly. I'm in a mood to do some PS'ing. I'll drop a picture back in here when I get it done.

Alright, got a decent pic from you Poly. Did a quick and crappy PS job but meh, it was a pain trying to find some good angles to match up the wheels to your GTC and make it look believable or good. So anyway, he's some pics. Please, no applause for their awesomeness...


Those were pretty good. Especially compared to another PS someone did for me. It looked like dog shit. I love the TE and LE from Volk as well. I just can't get around the price. Also, in the size that fit's my car, which is 17x7.5 they look like this:


I just don't like how they look flat. To me, the TE37 is meant to be concave which just isn't possible on the GTC. The LE looks the same, flat. :shakehead

Could you do my a huge favor and PS the Drag DR-9 on there? I know, it's a knock off of the LE, but it fits and it's a decent price.


Here they are on a car.


03-28-2010, 09:58 PM
I think we have those drags on our VW at work, but in gunmetal.

The TE37's are sexy. My friend has a 18x9 black set on his grey evo and they are teh secks, but they cost his $2400 without tires!

03-28-2010, 11:18 PM
Another quick job for you Poly. Hope you don't mind that they are just 2 minute jobs :)

I actually like these wheels. Knock off or not, they would compliment your GTC pretty damn well.

Poly GTC with Drag DR9's:

03-28-2010, 11:52 PM
Would it be too much to ask to chop some TE37's on my car? lol

03-29-2010, 12:34 AM
Would it be too much to ask to chop some TE37's on my car? lol

Yes it is far too much to ask...

If you don't mind waiting until tomorrow when I'm not so tired I will. Which finish are you looking at btw?

03-29-2010, 12:46 AM
I got a good friend who can get me an epic hook up on Volks, and even with his hook up price, still just shy of two grand for my size. Volk TE37s, even at his price, are over $2k. Then again, TE37s make ANY car look good, lol. I just think gold and bronze look good on just about any car color (beige and gold...not so much, less the words "TOP SECRET" are somewhere on your car), they really pop out but in a good way. I may myself be going for a set of Enkei RPF1s on my car, or a set of knock off TEs. Good luck with the choice!

03-29-2010, 12:53 AM
Yes it is far too much to ask...

If you don't mind waiting until tomorrow when I'm not so tired I will. Which finish are you looking at btw?

LOL if you dont wanna thats fine! If you decide to then i was thinkin the gold or bronze finish

03-29-2010, 12:55 AM
Volks are rarely a poor choice. Expensive though.

-The Stig-
03-29-2010, 10:30 AM
As I say to my buddy when we're playing Forza 3...

"Volks TE37s are the God wheel, they look good on anything... they can do no wrong."

03-29-2010, 10:58 AM
As I say to my buddy when we're playing Forza 3...

"Volks TE37s are the God wheel, they look good on anything... they can do no wrong."

They need more Volks in Forza. More Volks, HREs, and BBSes. Or at least more Volks and HREs, and make the BBSes not look like crap.

03-29-2010, 11:33 AM
As I say to my buddy when we're playing Forza 3...

"Volks TE37s are the God wheel, they look good on anything... they can do no wrong."

Werd. The guy in this picture is selling his which is killing me at the moment. Would buy if I didn't just buy a turbo kit.


03-29-2010, 11:59 AM
Werd. The guy in this picture is selling his which is killing me at the moment. Would buy if I didn't just buy a turbo kit.


How much? :eek:

03-29-2010, 12:07 PM
How much? :eek:

Pretty cheap actually. Right now, car prices have just dropped with the economy. I believe he is asking $19.5k without the wheels. The thing is CLEAN.

More pics:




At the moment, I'm trying to figure out what these are...do like:


03-29-2010, 12:18 PM
^ It looks as though it's a knockoff of Enkei's or they actually are Enkei's :) :


03-29-2010, 12:20 PM
^ It looks as though it's a knockoff of Enkei's:


Knowing who that is on the forum I HIGHLY doubt it is a knockoff as money is no object when it comes to his car. What makes you say it's a knockoff?

03-29-2010, 12:25 PM
Knowing who that is on the forum I HIGHLY doubt it is a knockoff as money is no object when it comes to his car. What makes you say it's a knockoff?

Took a closer inspection and edited my post because they actually do look like the Enkei's. If you say money is no object for this gentlemens car then chances are they actually are the ones I posted up above.

03-29-2010, 06:06 PM
Thanks a lot Civ. Even though you didn't spend much time on those chops, they looks great.

As for the Volks, we'll have to play this game again when it comes time to upgrade the Stealth to some 18s. It will NOT be getting knock offs.

03-29-2010, 10:22 PM
Thanks a lot Civ. Even though you didn't spend much time on those chops, they looks great.

As for the Volks, we'll have to play this game again when it comes time to upgrade the Stealth to some 18s. It will NOT be getting knock offs.

No problem Poly! You can repay me with some rep (seeing that it hardly gets used around here lol). Might as well up the green bar status!

03-29-2010, 10:59 PM
No problem Poly! You can repay me with some rep (seeing that it hardly gets used around here lol). Might as well up the green bar status!

Ah yeah, forgot about about the rep system here. Consider it done.

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