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11-15-2009, 01:23 PM
hi ,new to board,heres the problem.been having a tough time getting through this .replaced brake pads ,rotors, lines,had a toughtime getting a proper bleed,found out needed to bleed my master cilender,okay removed and did that.still mushy,bleed all lines and abs unit,i mean every thing possible.went double check, press brake inside car,heard pop looked in under the hood and saw that bolt connecting to mc had broke.now i'm peeved .so know how do i get that clip on the brake peddle off.and does the booster also require oil?any help would be greatly needed.:crying::banghead:

Elena K
06-08-2010, 09:10 AM
maybe you should buy a salvage vehicle and replace some parts to your car...if you are interested about there is a link for that http://www.easyexport.us/?a_aid=4bead65889ce2

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