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help on 98 bmw 740il, want turn over

08-31-2009, 04:17 PM
Can anyone help, here is the problem, which I may have messed up my car.
The car hasn't been driven in about a year, but I did start it a few months ago to let it run. The battery died, so I have just now had a chance to get a new one. I accidentally hooked it up backwards and everything came on at one time. Before I got the cables off, it had started smoking somewhere in the engine (electrical smoke) I can't find though where it came from.

Now- I have the battery on correctly and it is trying to crank, but want turnover. I have checked fuses and have no clue what to do. I have full battery power too.

Also, when I hook the batter up, one headlight comes on even though the lights are turned off. I can't it to go off other than disabling the battery. Any help or suggestions why it's not starting.

12-23-2009, 03:55 AM

i think the easiest way is to readout the bug-report at BMW.
For sure not the cheapest way, but the easiest.

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