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MGB with replacement 2bl warm starting problem

07-22-2009, 09:56 PM
MGB with rebuilt engine and replacment 2bl weber carb. when cold which means sitting for a day or overnight it starts well (about 3-4 seconds of cranking) after a drive it will restart well if you retry immediately but if it sets for a while it is very hard to start. many attempts at 10 second cranks. I dont think its flooding.

08-14-2009, 01:56 PM
Two things to look at is make sure choke is working properly and fuel pressure regulator is set properly. I run my regulator at setting 2. I have found my 71 B to be very temperamental in cold weather with the Weber downdraft and its been that way since I installed the system back in 1983. Great in summertime, fussy in the winter.

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