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any thoughts on the ford flex?

northern piper
06-16-2009, 12:13 PM
so I have the opportunity to lease a vehicle for 3 years and then buy out the lease and use the vehicle for personal/family. I did this with my 2000 windstar and it worked great. I'm pretty much able to purchase, within reason, anything I like. 'Course I have to pay the buyout at the end which tends to keep me grounded and not buying Landrovers or..

I've got 5 people in my family with related junk to haul around so the windstar size works pretty well. I'm wondering if anyone has taken out a Flex, heard any real life info, gas milage... All the normal jazz.

I like purchasing from the big three although I haven't dismissed Honda or Toyota, also looked at the Kia Sedona and thought it looks pretty nice.

Any thoughts appreciated.


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