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09-25-2008, 11:18 PM
i was just wondering exactly what i need to do the LS/VTEC swap in a 1991 crx si? like tranny ecu harness? stuff like that i need exact information on what i need.and for the head i can use any b series motor right?

09-29-2008, 12:42 AM
no offense but what you need is to search. if you had a more general question, you might get an answer, but nobody wants to type out the whole thing.

but a few general things, you need the cylinder head from a b16 or a b18c. you need oil line/fittings to get oil from the block to the head, any b series tranny(but a cable tranny will be easiest)/ VTEC ecu- ive never swapped any OBD1/2 engines into obd0 cars, so not sure on this, but if you get an early ecu from something with a b16, and use a harness out of a similar vehicle, alot of might plug right in and the correct wares will run through the firewall from the engine to the ecu at the right pins, but thats definately something I cant help you with. theres lots more so do some searching, theres tons of info on this stuff, also search crvtec since its basically an identical build so what works there would work for your lsvtec

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