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h22 del sol

08-31-2008, 01:20 AM
i need to know what exactly i will need for the swap a reliable source
and what fabrication if any i will need to do . and what can you tell me about streetimports.com they are supposed to have a h22 swap kit availible for my car and i need some feedback

08-31-2008, 11:34 AM
It's the same as if you were swapping in into a Civic. You'll need to cut 2 holes inside on the floor for the shifter assembly & the shifter cables. Depending on the mount kit that you buy, you're also going to have to cut or cut off the transmissions side bracket. Some mount kits will have you cut off the end of the stock bracket and drill out the inner hole, to use as a new hole for the main bolt to go through (like HCP mounts). Other mount kits will have you cut off the mount bracket from the frame all together, and replace it with one that comes with the kit (like Hasport).

The only thing I can tell you about streetimports.com is that they don't have very good customer service. My friend ordered an intercooler from them before. It took a couple weeks longer to get it than what they said. And then he couldn't get anyone on the phone. That's just 1 experience though, but I personally wouldn't buy anything from them.

For mounts, I personally would go with Hasport mounts. They are more expensive that most, but you'll have the piece of mind knowing that they are quality, and give you good engine & axle placement.. IMO, streetimports' mount kits look just like their prices; cheap.

09-01-2008, 11:06 PM
thanks for the help.

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