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MGB 1979 Starts hard, runs rough?

08-26-2008, 10:32 AM
From purchase used in 1979, this MGB after sitting overnight starts extremely hard but after it warms up it starts fine. Regularly runs rough, never smooth? HELP!!!! Local service station wants to rebuild the carb???? Not sure this is the problem. Is there a kit you can install to correct these problems?????

paul J
08-27-2008, 05:42 AM
From purchase used in 1979, this MGB after sitting overnight starts extremely hard but after it warms up it starts fine. Regularly runs rough, never smooth? HELP!!!! Local service station wants to rebuild the carb???? Not sure this is the problem. Is there a kit you can install to correct these problems?????
Sounds like the choke is not working properly. The carburettor is probably in need of rebuilding, But, don't hand it over to just anyone, local gas station or whoever unless you know that they are, experts on rebuilding MG carburettors and are recommended by someone who knows their work. There are plenty of rebuilders out there. Go to www.tony@theautoist.com (http://www.theautoist.com) and ask Tony for help on this and where to get it done. He'll be glad to help.

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