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zc swap into 91 civic

07-02-2008, 09:19 AM
I am planing on swaping a zc d16a9 engine from an 89 acura intega into my 91 honda civic dx. All the web sites I have checked say it is a direct bolt in swap you only need the engine, but they dont specify if I need a diferent ECU or not, Will I need the ECU from the integra?:confused:

09-10-2008, 08:02 PM
It will work for either i have a 90 crx i have had a sohc zc in it and now have a dohc and you can use either a si ecu or a in teg, i have used both. The integ has a higher redline 7200 compared to 6800 with the si . have fun good luck its a easy swap

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