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Engine and trans ?

06-29-2008, 03:46 PM
I have a 95 740i and I was wondering if it would be better to rebuilt both engine and trans or buy new ones. The car has about 180k miles and sometimes the transmission doesnt want to shift unless I let it warm up a bit. I live in SE Wisconsin and was wondering off any good places that would do a good job. Or should I just buy new ones and if so where do I go to look for a new motor and trans?

I alslo have a problem with my passanger side door. When I first got the car the door would not open untill the inside of the car was warm. Even after the door would open with out having to wait to warm up the door did not shut until the interior was warm. Now the door has to be slamed so it shuts right.

06-30-2008, 07:46 AM
As to the transmission Kirt Koeller at autosportsunlimted.com is the expert on our cars transmissions and he is located across the water in Zeeland MI. Check the website. Engines are generally good for about 300,000 with proper maintenance so unless yours is terminal I would leave it alone.

07-05-2008, 08:30 PM
I guess that I will go ahead and heve the transmission rebuild. As for the motor, it vibrates somtimes when i first start the car or I am at a red light. It shakes so much that you can actually feel the car shake. I was wondering if someone could help me out with a noise that comes out of the driver side. When I go from neutral to drive and give it a little bit of gas there is a loud vibrating noise. Like metal on metal I have been underneath the car several times but cant seem to see what is causing the problem. I geuss the guy who owned the car before me when off roading at one point and the whole bottom of tha car is all scrathced up.

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