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Care to beta-test a thoroughly categorized MGB-only for-sale listings database?

05-14-2008, 12:04 PM

I want to tread very lightly because I do not want to spam anyone or step on any toes. That said, I think many folks here would have a fun time checking out this website for free while we're beta-testing.

I have developed a huge database of current MGB for-sale ads gathered from throughout the US and Canada then thoroughly analyzed by computer and categorized by hand to create infinite search and sort possibilities for buyers of MGBs. This is not a simple for-sale ad aggregator like you see so many of out there. These are real listings reviewed by a real MGB owner/enthusiast. Because this database was created specifically and exclusively for listing MGBs, every aspect of the database is geared toward MGB particulars.

I would love to hear feedback from serious enthusiasts like you. Please come take a look at http://www.NASpecMGB.com (http://www.naspecmgb.com/) The beta test login info is prominently displayed on the site.

There are currently over a THOUSAND separate, current listings throughout the US and Canada. Just for fun, try sorting all 1000+ by color and "window shop"! :?)


-Desmond Mullen

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