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Performance Parts E32

11-14-2007, 07:21 PM
Hi, i recently purchased a '94 740i, and while im happy with the engine i see a lot of potential trapped in there. unfortunatly im also having troubles finding these performance parts. i was wondering if anyone knew a website or company that manufacters parts for the e32

11-15-2007, 06:57 PM
Both fortunately and unfortunately, no one manufactures performance bolt ons for the 7-series. You have to consider that these cars, to aftermarket part stores (AutoZone, Lordco, etc), are considered high-performance off-the-line so you won't find a whole lot of performance parts (that's the unfortunate part). And it's true. The V12 for instance has a very low tolerance for variation, other than what it was programmed to run as. If you think about it, what other luxury sedan (aside from Jaguar and Benz) has the capabilites of doing 250km/h on stock components...

Now the furtunate part: Kids now-a-days won't "rice out" what has been skillfully crafted and engineered and so the 7-series will remain a tribute to fine automotive engineering. They left that for the 3-series.

However, if you wanted to spend some money on your car to gain some performance...you can always custom make it...I'm sure there are some companies out there that manufacture something performance for our beasts...

11-16-2007, 04:36 AM
anyone wanna trade a 94 740 i for a 3 series???

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