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DSP / Digi Sound retrofit ?

10-01-2007, 05:54 AM
Hi all, I've just bought a very tidy 2000 740i Sport which doesnt have the 'DSP/Digi Sound' option installed on the computer/screen. Is there much involved in getting it fitted, ie is it only a software upgrade or is there a different processor &/or amp required? VIN# is WBA GG82040 DB10015. Thanks, Bruce.

10-02-2007, 04:35 AM
As far as I know, DPS came with a different sound system option. If you do not have it, then it's likely you have to install the DPS system from headunit to speakers...

...however, if you go to The Seven Series Register (http://www.the7seriesregister.co.uk/forums/index.php), ask for 'spiv750il', he knows quite a bit about the E38 sound system. (Free registration is required to view/post on that site)

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