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what should i do?

02-16-2007, 10:41 PM
hey guys. yeah so... the other day i was tryin to think what the next upgrade i could do for my h22 civic. i talked to my friend and he said since i have a k-22 accord transmission that i should swap that too and get a prelude transmission. is that really necessary? i mean, would it make me all that faster. cuz damn, for what... 1,200 bucks? i'd honestly rather get some camshafts and a stage 2 clutch. but what do y'all think?

02-17-2007, 12:11 PM
swapping the tranny is going to have very minimal gains...for that price, just throw on a home made turbo setup and you'll see a lot better power gains. Also the tranny came from an F22 accord....

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