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Factory Rims and Tail lights - 5th Gen

06-17-2002, 07:33 PM
I inherited a Maxima from a Relative. It is a 2000 GXE, but it doesn't have any of the bells and whistles. I need some rims desperately, but I really like the factory rims that came on the SE for 2001 and 2002. They are 6 spoke 17." Does any dealer sell the standard Max rims? Should I just go look for a wrecked Max?
Also is there any way to get those clear tail lights like on the 2002? Someone told me Courtesy Nissan of Texas will sell them to me for about $30 a light.

If anyone could help a beginner out, I would be very appreciative.

06-19-2002, 06:41 PM
30 bucks a light? more like 130 I think? I dunno (will due some research and get back to ya that one) the factory rims go for about 500+ a peice you can get some really nice rims aftermarket for that (but not them lowenharts i got... sorry had to throw that in)

06-21-2002, 10:03 AM
yeah courtesy nissan was $130 a light. a bad typo.

i just missed out on an auction in ATL for some factory rims last night. i needed 30 more seconds because my stupid modem is slow.


It was a bit expensive, but for new tires it seemed like a good deal.

If anyone has a suggestion for a good deal on factory rims and/or tires, please let me know.



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