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V8 Conversion Info

11-15-2005, 10:58 AM
Okay, I am debating between the V6 and V8 conversions...I have seen the V6 kit that is offered out there and I was wondering if everything for the V8 conversion needs to be custom fabricated (specifically the engine and tranny mounts). Has anyone gone ahead and produced a kit of sorts that comes with some of these pieces prefabbed? I fully understand that I will have to do a lot of massaging of the steel (or is it aluminum) on the engine bay and tranny tunnel, but I was just trying to find a couple things to make life a little bit easier and maybe speed the process up just a little...Thanks for any help, and any information or links on the V8 conversion (I am thinking 302 because it is dimensionally the same as the 289, so it is a pretty good fit, not too large) I would appreciate it. I have been to the British car pages, and many US conversion pages, but everyone seems to use the Rover engine and I don't want to spend the money on a Rover engine...Any thoughts and responses are appreciated.

11-16-2005, 05:29 AM
If you haven't looked at the British V8 conversion news letters you can download back issues from;


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