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Parts availability? 79 MGB

10-03-2005, 09:18 AM
I have an oppportunity to trade for a rust free 1979 MGB in very good condition. I have owned and repaired numerous vehicles in the past - Porsche, jeep, bobcat, farmall, airplanes, motorcycles, etc. I have never owned an MGB. I was wondering if someone could help me with a couple questions:
1) Are all parts still available for these cars? If so, what are some good sources?
2) What should I look for when I check this thing out? Any common problems? Has around 70k miles. No rust. From AZ. New leather, top, etc.

10-04-2005, 03:05 AM
Parts sources
Victoria British (victoriabritish.com)
Moss Motors (mossmotors.com)
find a local distributer, this may save shipping costs
Proper MG (propermg.com)
ebay (ebay.com)
yahoo or google a search for parts, almost everything is still available

Things to look for
rust especially around the sills, floor pans, and doglegs.
running gear
electrical system (make sure everything is working, corroded connections are common)

If it has wire wheels, check rims and hubs.

mgbexperience.com has some great technical articles.

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