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Need Help With '94 1.9l - Blown Head Gasket

07-06-2004, 02:03 PM

Newbie here, just blew a head gasket on my beloved Escort, 1.9L, and am looking for help. I either want to sell it as is (auto tranny still very good, new tires etc.) but I would really want to put a rebuilt engine in...anyone in Minnesota (by Minneapolis) into this stuff? Willing to pay...or if someone wants the car drop me a line (trick1978@yahoo.com)



07-06-2004, 02:08 PM
why not just fix it? Simple fix...drain the block (of water), remove your intake and exhaust manifolds, detach all electrical connectors, pull your timing belt, pull your valve cover, pull your head. Replace gasket, then do everything in reverse order.

07-06-2004, 03:13 PM
I'm not all that mechanical (coulpled with the fact I live in an apartment - space/tools not available) - I am also afraid the head may be warped - any idea what re-surfacing costs? I am willing to sell as - is, but if someone wants to make some side $$ and thinks they can fix it (and they live near MN) that would be great too....I would be willing to help/learn/pay....

07-08-2004, 12:58 PM
I just went through this w/ my '95 Tracer, same motor - blown head gasket. A buddy helped me pull it (actually he did nmost of the work) - as far as head gaskets go, this one isn't so bad. The part that takes all the time is getting the timing belt etc off, otherwise it is actually pretty quick.
Now if you don't have tools or a place, I understand completely that you won't do it yerself - just meant as a bit of encouragement, that if oyu look in the righ place you could prob find somebody that knows the 1.9 and could do it cheap.
if you can afford the time (AKA have other transportation) try putting up some flyers around town, or, better yet, drop by the local Ford dealer near closing some time - catch a service guy when he splits for smokes, lunch, or home, pick his brain a bit, see if he'll do it on the side... maybe he'll at least send you "a guy I know". Act nice and match his attitude.
If you pull the head completely and get it checked/valve job etc, it'll be practically a rebuilt motor anyway.

just food for thought.

why not just fix it? Simple fix...drain the block (of water), remove your intake and exhaust manifolds, detach all electrical connectors, pull your timing belt, pull your valve cover, pull your head. Replace gasket, then do everything in reverse order.

07-08-2004, 01:00 PM
oh, as for resurfacing costs, my complete valve job, w/ complete upper engine gasket kit was ~250, w/ cleaning and everything. Didn't have to remill it any. That included the pressure tests etc too.

if it's in bad shape, check eBay - you can get a replacement real cheap w/ everything ready to go.

why not just fix it? Simple fix...drain the block (of water), remove your intake and exhaust manifolds, detach all electrical connectors, pull your timing belt, pull your valve cover, pull your head. Replace gasket, then do everything in reverse order.

07-13-2004, 02:56 PM
I live in minnesota. I'm kinda busy for the next month or so. But how much do you want for the entire car and how much will you pay for me just to fix it?

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