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1997 Grand Cherokee Low Coolant/Bad Coolant Sensor

09-17-2016, 08:33 AM
Hi People. I've got a bit of Jeep electrical system weirdness I want to run by you because, well, I'm stymied by it. It's a biggie, even for a Jeep...
I'll get an alarm for low coolant, and sure enough, the coolant will be low. Top off the coolant. End of problem, right? Wrong. I'll get an alarm right behind it telling me the coolant sensor is bad. Sometimes the system will alternate between a low coolant alarm and a bad sensor alarm.
I read somewhere at one time about a cold solder problem with the leads from that sensor into the back of the heads up display causing a bad sensor alarm. What I don't understand is if I in fact do have a bad sensor how the system could reliably report low coolant. I really can't understand how it can report both conditions alternately...
Any ideas? I'm stumped...

And Thanks!

10-01-2016, 01:05 PM
Look for a bad solder connection on the back of the VIC ,vehicle information center. If it's bad clean and resolder.

10-05-2016, 11:02 AM
Ok, so it actually can happen.
I just wanted to see if anyone else had heard of it before tearing out all of that plastic...

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