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Just replaced all front end steering, now there's a humming

10-14-2015, 03:32 PM
My '98 ZJ 5.2L. I just replaced pretty much all of the front end steering parts because there was a lot of play going on and most of the boots didn't seem to hold grease. I replaced my tie rod ends, center link, drag link, and steering stabilizer. I did my best to align the tires using a tape measurer and ended up within 1/8 inch difference. I couldn't get it any closer than that, so I left it. Now, my Jeep is humming whenever I turn the wheel. Normally, I might look to either the power steering pump or some of the front end parts, but seeing as I just replaced pretty much all of them and I replaced my power steering pump last winter, I'm not sure where to go from here. Any ideas on what I might have done wrong or what it could be?

10-14-2015, 08:21 PM
Get an actual alignment for one. You can get it close with the tape but even 1/8" out is still going to eat the tires. The humming could even be as simple as a brake shield rubbing.

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