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Jeep stalling

07-01-2013, 12:41 AM
I have a 96 jeep grand Cherokee larado and I've put over 1000 in it and it still has the same problem I've replace the cam sensor crank shaft battery battery terminals starter plugs wires basically everything to do with fireing I've tried the zip tie thing everything on here ppl say to try and still it does this it don't wanna start it backfires its just gettin annoying but I luv my jeep so plz help

07-01-2013, 12:35 PM
more info....when stalls?engine cold or hot?during accel,decel,idle?will restart?hardstart?any codes stored in computers memory?check engine light on?what size engine?zip tie thing?you have stalling and no start?do you have spark during no start?do you have a test light?voltmeter?scan tool?fuel pressure gauge?when did this start?I need this information on a basis where to start to tell you to look.

07-01-2013, 06:07 PM
[quote=autojoe;7047468]more info....when stalls?engine cold or hot?during accel,decel,idle?will restart?hardstart?any codes stored in computers memory?check engine light on?what size engine?zip tie thing?you have stalling and no start?do you have spark during no start?do you have a test light?voltmeter?scan tool?fuel pressure gauge?when did this start?I need this information on a basis

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