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most common cause of blown fuses in CVPI door locks?

Stale Trooper
06-13-2012, 11:28 PM
I have a 2005 CVPI with 72K. It has blown 2 fuses to the power locks in 2 tries to lock the car. It blows the #15 fuse (20amp) in the central fuse box under the hood. It seems to blow when locking the doors rather than when unlocking them.

Any ideas or suggestions?
This was a very well maintained vehicle, (I was able to get the entire service history on it) which has not displayed this problem in the past.

Does this circuit do anything beyond locking & Unlocking the doors (IE: run a relay to the locks or something?

Has anyone installed an after-market remote locking system or remote starter on one of these?

06-14-2012, 05:36 PM
Fuse 15 in the underhood box is for heated seats. Go to www.fleet.ford and click on owners manuals, then select your vehicle and open the owners manual. Go to roadside emergencies and scroll down until you find the fuse panels. It giles you all circuits that are controlled by a fuse or a relay.

This is kinda bad for someone too old to try to help a stale person. :)

Stale Trooper
06-15-2012, 07:10 AM
Yeah, my bad, I should have said fuse #8, not 15. Either way; What do you recommend I should do to find & fix the cause of the problem? I read one source that says it's the switch(es), or could it be the DDM? If so, where the heck is that thing? :confused: I don't want to just jump in and start yanking wires ya know?

Did you mean https://www.fleet.ford.com/maintenance/owners_manuals/ for my owners manual?

Being a stale person makes you old farts look better :sarcasmsign:

06-15-2012, 09:02 AM
Isolate the suspected bad electronic door lock actuator by a disconnect.
Start with the drivers door 1st, if all others work, the one in the drivers door is bad.
see www.partsgeek.com for $31
Salvage yard $ ? practice removal from doner 1st.

06-15-2012, 06:49 PM
That is the page. The DDM is inside the drivers door toward the lower front. Along with what danielsatur stated, unplug all actuators and plug them in one at a time until the fuse blows. That would be the bad actuator or circuit.

Stale Trooper
06-16-2012, 05:56 AM
Thanks W2O & danielsatur! I'll pop the door panels and check the actuators out. It will have to wait until Monday, but I'll let you know what I find.

06-16-2012, 10:12 AM
way2old pic looks like ZZTop with a hair cut and no dentures.

06-20-2012, 06:38 PM
You oughta see me in person!!!!

Stale Trooper
06-20-2012, 08:10 PM
Well, I haven't found the cause, but did find a cure; I ran out of 20 amp fuses (just had the 2 that origionally blew) So I tried a 30 until I could get the door panels off, it hasn't blown after a weeks use.

06-21-2012, 09:43 AM
It look's like Popeye forgot to eat his spinach!

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