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88 735Il for my son

Tampa 735il
09-10-2010, 06:10 PM
I have been saving this car for my son and I am ready to place this back on the road after 3-years in the garage, when I put it to rest it was low on power and gas mileage was bad.

At a minimum I am looking for the back windshield, steering box and maybe a set of cats, can you let me know where to find these in the Tampa Florida area?

I think that maybe the cats maybe plugged or injectors need cleaning any help would be appreciated.


Tampa 735il
09-17-2010, 01:56 PM
I found a rear window and need some advice how to install it. I purchased some double stick windshield tape from the automotive supply house. The old tape is still attached with plastic tabs how do I install this?

09-18-2010, 03:33 PM
I found a rear window and need some advice how to install it. I purchased some double stick windshield tape from the automotive supply house. The old tape is still attached with plastic tabs how do I install this?

There's not many 7-series guru's who post on here. Only me...and I'm not a guru by any means...

you could try

http://the7seriesregister.co.uk/forums/index.php <-- I highly recommend this one. Most of the members on here are based in the UK (hence the address) and a vast knowledge base. I'm a frequent visitor there. handle 'forzabimmer'.

http://www.bimmerboard.com/forums/e32/ <-- another site with a vast amount of knowledge. Most members on here are from North America. I'm a member but not a frequent poster. handle 'bimmerman750il'.

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